
Lisa Aiken.

Linda Tol.

Tiffany Hsu.

Nina Suess.

Susie Lau and Tiffany Hsu.

Tiffany Hsu.

Thora Valdimarsdottir.

Linda Tol.

Giorgia Tordini.

Fuente: Style du Monde.

8 Comentarios

  • Gemeladas
    26 septiembre 2019 at 09:33

    ¡Me encantan los total looks! el amarillo, verde y naranja me chiflan.


    • Diario de Estilo
      30 septiembre 2019 at 20:24

      Tiffany, Linda y Giorgia Giorgia, son las reinas de las mezclas y los colores imposibles.
      Gracias por compartir.
      Beso fuerte

  • Mónica LG
    26 septiembre 2019 at 17:33

    Hola. El look de Lisa Aiken es de lo mas inspirador. Saludos desde Asturias.

    • Diario de Estilo
      30 septiembre 2019 at 20:22

      Totalmente de acuerdo.
      Gracias por compartir, Mónica.
      Beso fuerte 🙂

  • John Mathew
    27 septiembre 2019 at 11:00

    I like this article. We can without much of a stretch comprehend this article in light of the fact that the writer did not utilize extreme and awful dialects and plainly indicates all the data about the topic.Some articles have not taking after the right composition arrange but rather here i got better approach for composing. I like the method for composing and the presenting.Keep sharing.I will share this article for my companions and partners.

  • usawriters
    27 septiembre 2019 at 11:01

    I like this article. We can without much of a stretch comprehend this article in light of the fact that the writer did not utilize extreme and awful dialects and plainly indicates all the data about the topic.Some articles have not taking after the right composition arrange but rather here i got better approach for composing. I like the method for composing and the presenting.Keep sharing.I will share this article for my companions and partners.

  • beatriz
    27 septiembre 2019 at 17:07

    Hola, me quedo con todas las americanas, me gustan con pantalones, con faldas y, oversize. Saludos ¡¡

  • Sarah c
    18 mayo 2020 at 11:18

    El bolso de Nina Dudes me chifla.


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