“For every second we’re alive, for every decision taken and lesson learned, so as not to postpone anything, to be brace, to keep growing and learning. For LOVE. Cheers! And what does it matter if Christmas is the excuse or the starting gun for New Year’s resolutions; having them, and good ones, is enriching us. Merry Christmas!” That’s how my post back on 23rd December 2019. Having experienced what we have done, and living in the midst of a global pandemic, I cannot find the most appropriate words that are linked to my feelings to talk about what really matters.

“Time, yes, is one of the greatest luxuries that we have at our disposal. Its value is incalculable. We cannot keep hold of it, but we can use it. We cannot guard it, but we can spend it. It’s merely a case of focusing on whatever it is that matters most to you, what enriches you and makes you happy. And, after that, dedicating a few more minutes to it. Because once it gets lost, it cannot ever be brought back.” That is how I felt and I published it over last Christmas, and today the message is resounding in my head with more clout than ever.

Christmas. It has been entwined with get togethers, family, endless hugs, tenderness, good will, and also rediscovering forgotten feelings –for some, warmth and. for others, a cold Christmas, with intensity and exaltation…

Hello, Christmas 2020. It is time to respect ourselves, to help ourselves, to take care of ourselves, and to love ourselves. Let’s stop just being ourselves on our own in order to also be a bit of everyone else. We are receiving you with an open mind to unpredictable changes. I know, it depends on our walk of life and the journey is long, but so is the common feeling that pushes whichever trampoline towards a life well lived, help us to survive so that we can experience it. It’s time to face up to the knocks, move onwards and upwards and, the trickiest part, to trust in ourselves again.
“We are all broken, that i show the light shines through”. Ernest Hemingway

Dress: M missoni AW 2020. Earrings: Satellite AW 2020 all for La Comercial. Available in store La Comercial Mujer, c/ Rec, 52 Barcelona. Info: 93 3193463. Shoes and Nube clutch: Jimmy Choo AW 2020. Available in Barcelona Jimmy Choo c/ Paseo de Gracia, 97. Info: 932726959.

Photography: Patricia Bonet.
Location: FreakHouse.
Production and styling: Mariona Planas.
Hair and make up: Núria Ribera.
Woodlights and manicure: Vanitas Espai.
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