I have actively and passively proclaimed this: each and every individual is able to make their own decisions. Mind you, you need to be mindful of the consequences.
When the summer draws closer many of us look out for the Holy Grail that will bring back the radiance of our youth, but the years and experience make up our wisdom and, if there’s anything we have learnt, it’s that nothing good comes gifted to you on a plate. Mens sana in corpore sano! It’s time to consciously prepare our bodies from the inside out.
This summer I have put myself in the hands of good professionals and I have decided to follow their advice by applying common sense so as to get softer, healthier and more toned skin all over my body: a healthy diet. Nutricosmetics. Sport. The right body cosmetics for my skin’s needs. And, non-invasive devices, LPG Endermologie. I know full well that it’s time to follow all of these guidelines in order to achieve good results. As you all already know, there’s no miracle solution.
Diet: I have always been someone who eats healthily and eats well. I don’t follow any specific diet but I do stick to a varied diet which is rich in mainly ecological foods (although not fully): fruit, pulses, fish, meat (occasionally) pasta (occasionally), sugars (occasionally)… In the evening I steer clear of stodgy meals and when I eat out, I really push the boat out (‘full equip’), I’m not going to lie to you. I make up for it afterwards by eating very clean.
Nutricosmetics: I’m currently having the sticks, STOP Peau D’Orange Jour & Nuit Express J14 De LPG Endermologie (STOP Orange Peel Skin Day and Night Express 14 days) in order to reduce the size of the adipocytes, drain excess water and burn and prevent the formation of new fat cells. Two sticks need to be taken per day. In the morning I have one diluted in a glass of water, and, in the evening, I have the other one orally after having dinner letting it dissolve neat on my tongue.
These sticks have a key ingredient: Dimpless®, which is 100% natural and contains melon extract. Its benefits? It increases the antioxidant endogenous defences. It reduces dimples within a month. It’s vegan friendly. And it is free from allergens, transgenics, solvents and additives. And it’s straightforward, its effectiveness is proven: It reduces cellulite by 10% in 28 days and by 12% in 56 days. It reduces the size of adipocytes by 54%. It reduces fibrosis by 52%.
The 14 daytime and nighttime sticks, which are also by Dimpless®, contain: Guarana, a fat burner. They are rich in guaranine and caffeine. They are traditionally used to ease weight loss thanks to the lipolysis action of the stored triglycerides, by inhibiting phosphodiesterase. The caffeine increases fat burning and boosts the cells’ base metabolism and, therefore, it aids the body’s fat shedding ability. It also increases glycosis. Acerola, which is an antioxidant. It’s a powerful source of natural vitamin C, containing between 10 and 40 times more than an orange does. The average amount of vitamin C is 1.8 g per 100 g of acerola pulp. It also contains two times more magnesium, potassium and vitamin B5 than oranges. In addition to vitamin A, beta-carotenes, polyphenols, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B3 (niacin), iron and phosphorous.
Grape skin, with draining properties. It has numerous venotonic properties and it combats the slowing down of the blood’s micro circulation, which is the origin of cellulite. In addition, it is rich in tannins and flavonoids, which are anti-oxidants that work against orange peel skin, cellulite and excess fat. It is especially recommended for slimming diets. Turmeric, which prevents the storage of fat. The dried rhizome extract in the turmeric helps to prevent the build up of fat and eases its passing through the liver. And, lemon balm, which is circulatory. Also known as Common Balm or Balm Mint, it’s a herb which belongs to the mint family and increases blood flow: it encourages the distension and contraction of the valves.
Sport: Playing sport or doing exercise for an average of 4 days a week (this can vary depending on my work schedule). I do cardio (the cross trainer), weight lifting and swimming. Sport is a fundamental part of my life. It clears my head and it helps me maintain my figure. It makes me feel good. It makes me more disciplined. Without exercise I would feel incomplete.
Body cosmetics: I am applying the Complexe Anti-Capitons cream to boost fat shedding and smooth out the appearance of cellulite. This shock treatment is enriched with the exclusive slimming complex LPG, which gets rid of and softens the appearance of adipose cellulite, which is typical of gynoid morphology. The Bodyfit® technology improves fat shedding and prevents the appearance of new fat cells.
This cream has a very pleasant texture, it is lightly perfumed and non-sticky (very important), to ensure fast absorption. I apply it to my arms, abdomen, hips, glutes and thighs in the morning and at night.
Devices: Unfortunately, we will never be able to get rid of cellulite on our glutes, hips and thighs. It doesn’t matter if we’re tall, short, slim, not slim… It isn’t related to being overweight, it cannot be dealt with just by doing exercise and up to 90% of us women suffer from it.
My goal was to get softer, healthier and more toned skin on my glutes and saddle bags. At Blauceldona they recommended I modified my bad habits and went for the natural, effective and pain-free treatment CELLU M6® ALLIANCE, by LPG®. This programme aims to boost fat shedding in specific areas via 100% natural and pain-free stimulation, thus reducing the volumen of fat and reshaping it.
The endermologie® technique, which is 100% natural and non-invasive, activates fat cells (adipocytes) and it uses mechanical stimulation to bring on natural lipolysis and it tones the skin. So it “kills” two birds with one Stone: it mobilises fat, reduces cellulite and lifts the buttocks from the first session.
With the new Alliance® patent, the endermologie® technique, triggers the natural drainage of resistent and localised fat, like those that can be found on the gluteo-femoral area (saddle bags). At the same time, the movement of the skin resculpts the curves of the buttocks in order to diminish any asymmetry between them, and it gives them a rounder look.
Results. +70%** fat shedding. The study published by Professor Max Lafontan reveals notable results which show the impact of the endermologie® technique on femoral fat (adipose tissue, saddle bags, glutes and thighs). The lipolysis response of the femoral adipose tissue and, furthermore, the activity of the beta receptors of the adipocytes (that are responsible for fat liberation) are improved by an average of 70%.
It is advisable to have at least 12 sessions. This varies according to each woman’s individual needs. I advise you to give Blauceldona a call to arrange an appointment and get the right diagnosis. Muntaner: 93 461 57 59 / Provenza: 93 453 38 13. Their team will give you the star treatment.
I have had 6 sessions and it has visibly improved my skin tone. It is smoother and firmer. I’m very pleased.
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