I confess that, when I visit art galleries, my eyes are easily diverted towards the door to the warehouse, which is sometimes ajar, where I imagine brand new works of art or ones awaiting a second wind, and even the gallery owner’s favourites. That may be where I unwittingly look for it, and that is how it has turned out at times. So why not turn the warehouse into a gallery? That what decided by May Moré. Now there’s no longer any need to look through any doors: it’s as if you were at home, with everything in your reach, and the search turns out to be more natural. On 50 General Pardiñas, Madrid.
But the news is that today this warehouse is going to have akind of extension on Diario de Estilo. May Moré has taken up the offer to collaborate with us by lending her well-qualified insight into the latest art news in our Lifestyle/Art&Culture space, thus continuing her efforts to promote artwork by contemporary artists from every sector (paintings, sculptures, photography, buildings…). Madrid has brilliantly paved the way for female gallery owners like Soledad Lorenzo, Helga de Alvear, Juana de Aizpuru… May Moré is the present for this history of prestige and it is an honour for us to have the opportunity to work with her.
“I am mainly guided by my intuition; my passion for art is what drives me, because I cannot support something that I do not believe in”. When asking her for a brief exhibition of her experience, she preferred to do it in her own way, with images, with pictures of artwork by artists who she trusts that speak for themselves and outline her career as a gallery owner. And as a collector.
Ah, May also chose the cover photo. Diario de Estilo likes it.
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