White, black and sometimes grey
“I prefer “both-and” to “either-or,” black and white, and sometimes gray, to black or white”.…
2 July 2021“I prefer “both-and” to “either-or,” black and white, and sometimes gray, to black or white”.…
Casavells is one of the medieval villages that populate the Empordanet, as Josep Pla, the…
“It is enough to introduce a little truth to the lie so that it is…
“Marco Polo describes a bridge, stone by stone. But which one is the stone that holds…
I was reading somewhere that Antón Pávlovich Chéjov -how come I like full Russian names so much,…
We are such stuff that dreams are made of, says Shakespeare in “The Tempest” and…
Isabel Villar is turning 87 on 8th March and the Fernández-Braso, in Madrid, is celebrating this…
I have known Daniel as a child and teenager, and I witnessed his beginnings at…
I confess that, when I visit art galleries, my eyes are easily diverted towards the…
Perhaps we are, also in some way, all of the films that we have seen.…
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